It’s the End of the World as We Know It; and I feel fine!

Harold Camping’s prediction that Judgment Day is May 21, 2011 has caused Twitter to go crazy; Google searches of “Rapture” and “Judgment Day” explode; the Center for Disease Control to send out a bulletin concerning a Zombie Apocalypse spoof; and even people making a little extra cash off of people who will leave their pets behind! It is shear nonsense!

Here it is “straight from the horse’s mouth…”

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I always find it interesting that people like Camping say they are using the Bible to find these answers. Yes, they are using the Bible–as a starting place to then immediately  jump off into their own opinions and “research.” There was a pastor in a former town where I served that was into “numerology” and “taught” what he said the Bible revealed about the end of days, including the rise of an Antichrist and actual dates of the second coming of Jesus Christ. The problem is that he totally ignored what Jesus said about when the end of days will occur.

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”Matthew 24:36

You can probably tell that I don’t believe that Camping is correct in his prediction…and I’m in pretty good company too.  People that are much smarter that I am believe he is wrong. Here is a great post on the whole issue by Thom Rainer. He has a great statement on the reality of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ:

There will indeed be a day when He judges all. Eternal destinies hang in the balance. Those who have not committed their lives to Christ in repentance and faith should not take His return lightly. Neither should we Christians.

So, let us all live like the Day is tomorrow and be prepared for His Coming! In the meantime, I guess we can have a good laugh along the way as well!

Like these hilarious tweets from my good friend Adam yesterday.

I have a dilemma; if the world is indeed ending this Saturday, should I really worry about writing a sermon for Sunday? Just wondering.

Deciding what to wear for the rapture on May 21 = difficult. Deciding what to wear on May 22 if it doesn’t happen = awkward + difficult.

And this funny “rapture flowchart.  “Will You Be Raptured?” Flowchart | Peas and Cougars.

And on a more serious note…‘Left Behind’ Author Tim Lahaye Says May, 21 2011 Judgment Day Won’t Happen.

Associated Baptist Press – Opinion: Will the world end on May 21?.

Judgment Day: How To Protect Your Pets From The May 21 Rapture (VIDEO).

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